The The Green Future Project is an innovative initiative of a foundation dedicated to promoting clean energy in Angola. Our project aims to accelerate the transition to sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources, enabling Angola to benefit from a green and sustainable future.

Our vision is based on the principle that clean energy not only benefits the environment, but also stimulates economic growth and social prosperity. We believe that the transition to sustainable energy sources is essential for promoting a healthy future for the people of Angola.

The The Green Future Project focuses on different aspects of clean energy to provide a holistic approach:

Renewable energy installations: We support the development and implementation of renewable energy installations, such as solar panels, wind turbines and mini-hydropower plants. By using these renewable sources of energy, we help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions.

Technical support and training: We provide technical support and training to local communities and clean energy technicians. Through workshops and training, we increase knowledge and skills in renewable energy generation and management, enabling local communities to operate independently and meet their own energy needs.

Community clean energy projects: We work with local communities to set up community clean energy projects. These projects include, for example, installing solar panels on public buildings, setting up community solar power plants and promoting energy efficiency programmes. This encourages community involvement and makes clean energy accessible to all.

Awareness campaigns: We organise awareness campaigns to highlight the benefits of clean energy and educate local people about sustainable energy use. Through educational materials, events and media channels, we encourage residents to adopt green habits and support the transition to clean energy.

Partnerships and collaboration: We work closely with local governments, businesses and other organisations to create synergies and jointly promote the transition to clean energy. Through partnerships, we can undertake joint efforts and have a greater impact on achieving a green and sustainable future.

At The Green Future Project, we believe that clean energy is the key to a sustainable and healthy future for Angola. We invite you to join our project and work together to transition to clean energy. Join The Green Future Project and help us transform Angola into a green and sustainable society.

Help out

Do you share our values and our mission to help Angola? Would you like to support us? We can always use help to achieve our goals. Without you, this will not be possible.